Syria News

Syrian Air Force strikes 3 major militant strongholds across north Hama

The Syrian Air Force maintained pressure on militant groups in the northern countryside of Hama province during the night of Thursday to Friday by striking their positions across three major strongholds.
According to reports by locals and military sources, the Syrian Air Force engaged insurgent gathering points, depots and movements in the cities of Al-Latamaneh, Kafr Zita and Murak using a range of weapons including bombs and rockets.
The air force bombardment is a follow-up to Syrian Army advances on the ground in north Hama on Thursday which saw Tal Sakher town and hilltop and Al-Jiysat village as well as the Ad-Dimon farms come under government control.
The goal of the Syrian Air Force in these latest strikes is the discouraging of any potential jihadist counter-attack by keeping their rear-area gathering points and movements under constant fire.
Whether or not the strikes are also a prerequisite for another Syrian Army push in the coming hours or days is yet to be seen.

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