Map Update: Syrian Army seizes southern part of ISIS enclave near the capital

The Syrian Army managed today to establish full control over the southern part of ISIS enclave after splitting it into halves two days ago.
The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that Army units are now mopping-up the area in order to defuse the IEDs and landmines planted earlier by the terror group.
The government troops had earlier split ISIS pocket after launching a synchronized assault from eastern and western axes.
The focus has now shifted to the northern part adjacent to the Yarmouk Refugee Camp. Fierce battles have erupted since early morning under air cover from Syrian and Russian airstrikes.
In the meantime, rebels from Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahm towns continue – for the 3rd day in a row – to leave their bastions to the country’s north. 17 buses carrying militants and their families passed inspection process before the convoy leaves escorted by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.
Up to 46 buses left the three towns during the past two days as per an evacuation agreement concluded between the rebel groups and Syrian government last week.
According the agreed-on deal, those unwilling to be evacuated shall have their status settled as the Syrian government takes over the entire area.

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