Syria News

Syrian Army seizes jihadist stronghold in south Idlib .. (MAP)

Elite forces of the Syrian Army have seized a key jihadist stronghold in southern Idlib province amid a a new offensive advance conducted on Thursday night.
Field sources speaking to Muraselon News confirmed that the Syrian Army has captured the town of At-Tamanaa after a fierce battle that saw countless airstrikes and heavy artillery shelling of jihadist positions in and around the stronghold.
Sources added that the Syrian Army also secured Sukayyat, the At-Tamanaa farms, Tal Sayed Ali and Tell Jafar – all located within the greater At-Tamanaa area.
At-Tamanaa has an interesting history as a jihadist stronghold. Back when ISIS was attempting to establish a presence in northwest Syria during the early years of the war, the town was a major recruitment hub for the terrorist group.
It should come as no surprise that one of the main militant groups attempting to hold the town over the last few weeks has been the ‘Rouse the Believers’ jihadist coalition; most of its fighters are ex-ISIS types that use to belong to Islamic State affiliate factions like Jund al-Aqsa (defunct; now Ansar al-Tawhid) and Ansar al-Islam (the latter one still operating under this name, but since switched allegiance to Al-Qaeda).
For a HD version of the map above,

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