Syria News

VIDEOS: Syria's Khan Sheykhun viewed from above amid pause in battle

Members of the ANNA News Agency team based in Syria have released two-part footage (via the a personal account of Oleg Blokhin) of Khan Sheykhun city as viewed from the perspective of a drone.
The footage was obvious captured following what appears to be a major pause in clashes in and around the city which for most of Monday were very violent.
On Monday, the Syrian Army approached Khan Sheykhun from the western and northern directions, capturing a number of key locations including two key hilltops; by this advance, the section of M5 Highway running directly into the city from the north is now under the control of government forces.
It is currently unknown what the exact situation is in Khan Sheykhun. However, amid unconfirmed reports that rebels have withdrawn from it and even from the north Hama salient, one thing can be confirmed by Muraselon News – that is that the Syrian Army has not yet received the order to seize the city and remains well outside of it for the most part.

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