Syria News

Pictures: 3 top jihadist leaders exterminated during recent Hama, Idlib battles

Syrian Army operations in the northern countryside of Hama and southern countryside of Idlib have lead to the provable death of three top jihadist commanders, as admitted by militant media groups.
According a media release by the Jaysh al-Ahrar (Ahrar al-Sham splinter faction) jihadist group, battlefield commanders Abu Misab al-Tunisi (Tunisian national – general commander of the insurgent group), Abu Sutif al-Binishi (Syrian Idlib native – commander of the insurgent group’s inghamasii special forces units) and Abu Qutadah al-Homsi (Syrian Homs native – operations room coordinator) have died in battles against the Syrian Army.
Nearly 50 militants fighting under the banner of Jaysh al-Ahrar have been killed since the Syrian Army commenced offensive operations in northern Hama and southern Idlib over three months ago.
Picture: 3 top jihadist leaders exterminated during recent Hama, Idlib battles
The group serves as a key offensive force – made up of hard-line Islamists – within the otherwise militarily weak Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) militant coalition that lacks offensive punch in comparison to the rival jihadist alliance led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

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