Syria News

WATCH: First footage from Syrian Army special forces inside Al-Hobait city

Footage has been released by Syrian Army special forces soldiers showing their presence inside the recently captured city of Al-Hobait in southern Idlib province.
The special forces soldiers in question belonging to the Syrian Army’s Tiger Forces Division – an elite military unit responsible for the capture of Al-Hobait after a day-long battle over the course of Saturday to early Sunday morning.
As the footage (shown below) reveals, the city is mostly destroyed after many years of shelling and airstrikes.

Al-Hobait’s general proximity to the front-lines in the Hama-Idlib region resulted in its population quickly fleeing and for years, the small city was used as mobilization area for militant groups – in particular the Al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (previously Jabhat al-Nusra) group who maintained an operations headquarters inside the city until April 2017 when it was destroyed by a Russian guided missile strike.
ANNA News reporters embedded with the Tiger Forces Division have also released footage (shown below) of the Syrian Army presence inside Al-Hobait.
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