Syria News

Israeli army used suicide drones to target Syrian Pantsirs

The Israeli army published a video claiming that it had targeted a Syrian Pantsir air defense system during the attack against military targets in Syria.
The military researcher Mohammad Saleh al-Fteh informed Muraselon that Israel either used suicide UAVs or loitering munitions from class Harop.

The researcher shared on his private Facebook page pictures confirming that the targeted Pantsir system was not in a combative mode as the radar had not been set up in the video.

The picture truly shows that the radar is not set up as compared with a picture of an operating Pantsir:

Fteh confirmed that the Pantsir was reloading, which the video confirms with the presence of an ammunition truck near the system seconds before targeting.

No Syrian sources have confirmed the authenticity of the Israeli claims although other sources told Muraselon that this video was not from yesterday’s Israeli raid.
It is worth noting that the the Russian Ministry of Defense did not comment on the Israeli targeting of the Pantsir system while confirming that Syrian air defenses downed over 30 missiles during the aggression.

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