Syria News

Idlib’s Major terror group obtains 100 drones from Turkey to launch chemical attacks

Informed sources in the countryside of Idlib told Sputnik agency that Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) recently obtained 100 small-scale unmanned aircraft ( drones ), from Turkey, and moved from the bordering village of Harem towards HTS headquarter in Maarat Masreen.

“Terrorists are working under the supervision of a British expert to make modifications on the drones to become lighter and to able to carry small shells loaded with toxic chemical substances,” according to the sources.

The sources pointed out that the aim of bringing these aircraft is to use them in chemical attacks by providing them with small shells filled with toxic substances.


The sources added that some of the technicians used to modify the “Drones” are “immigrants” who came earlier to Idlib fleeing from Iraq and Raqqa city.

Read More : Russia ready to help eliminate 15,000 militants in Idlib

On August 30th, HTS transported 200 drones from Sarmada area in Idlib Countryside to one of its positions in al-Muhandisin neighborhood in Idlib city as Turkish and Chechen experts made technical and electronic modifications on them.

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