Syria News

Syrian Army kills nearly 300 ISIS terrorists in Sweida operation

“The Syrian army killed more than 270 militants from the terrorist organization of ISIS “Da’ash” during its latest military campaign on the southern province of Suweida”, the spokesman of the Russian forces in Syria, Oleg Makarevich said.

During the military operation, at least 270 militants were killed and a large number of foreign-made weapons, ammunition and mines were seized, including 12 anti-tank (US-made) missiles,” Makarevich said.

According to him, the operation was carried out in difficult weather conditions on the ground, in the most complex rocky terrain in the region, and in harsh climatic conditions.


He pointed out that the Syrian army was able to destroy ISIS fortifications and supply lines with concentrated strikes.

Most of the militants in Swaida came from the al-Tanf area, which is controlled by the US-led coalition” Makarevich added.

In November 19, the government troops backed by the Russian aerospace forces managed to gain control over ISIS stronghold of Al-Safa hills “Tulul Al-Safa” that located northeastern Al-Swedia province.



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