Syria News

Another east Syrian city provided with full electricity as country begins to rebuild

24-hour electricity has been restored to the east Syrian city of Al-Mayadin after it – swapping hands several times between different warring factions – was left in darkness for many years.

Located on the western shore of the Euphrates River, Al-Mayadin lost electricity some time in 2014. Over the next four years the city would go from being under the control of east Syrian rebel groups, only to be taken by ISIS (becoming the terrorist group’s capital for several months towards the end of its occupation) until it was finally liberated by government forces during a blitz offensive last year.

The restoration of electricity indicates that natives of Al-Mayadin who fled the city are beginning to return. The year of 2018 has seen the Syrian government put extensive resources into restoring basic infrastructure in eastern cities recently retaken from ISIS terrorists.


The repairing of recently recaptured and badly damaged oil and gas fields in the province of Homs and Deir ez-Zuor is linked to the restoration of electricity in east Syrian cities.

Read More : Syria signs agreement with Russian company to develop electrical system

By east Syrian standards, Al-Mayadin represents a relatively large city and serves as a key hub for roads running along and towards the Euphrates.

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