Syria News

Al-Quneitra crossing officially reopened, High ranking Russian officer attended [pictures]

The Deputy Commander of the Russian Forces in Syria has attended the ceremony of Al-Quneitra crossing being reopen with the occupied Syrian Golan today.

The reopening of the Quneitra crossing with the occupied Syrian Golan was held by the United Nations forces” UNDOF” attended by Deputy Commander of the Russian forces, popular and official delegations.

The establishment of the crossing took place after the October war in 1973. The UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) established its headquarters along the border. In order to carry out its work, UNDOF needed to move freely between Israel and Syria.


On 6 June 2013 the crossing was attacked by Syrian rebels and temporarily occupied. Syrian government forces were able to quickly retake the crossing. A Filipino peacekeeper of the UNDOF was wounded during the fighting. As a result, the Austrian government announced to withdraw its troops from the UN mission.

On 27 August 2014 Syrian rebels again occupied the crossing. it was reopened on October 15, 2018 for UNDOF personnel


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