Syria News

Amnesty ‘Shocked’ by Devastation Caused by US Strikes in Syria’s Raqqa

Amnesty International’s new Secretary General Kumi Naidoo said he has been shocked by the horrific destruction and utter human devastation left by the US-led campaign in Syria’s Northern city of Raqqa.

“What I saw in Raqqa shocked me to my core. The city is a shell, bombed-out buildings, very little running water or electricity, the stench of death hanging in the air. That anyone is still able to live there defies logic and stands as testimony to the remarkable resilience of the city’s civilians,” Naidoo said after his field visit to Raqqa, presstv reported.

“Attacks by the US-led coalition not only killed hundreds of civilians but also displaced tens of thousands, who are now returning to a city in ruins, while many others languish in camps,” he added.


The US has been conducting airstrikes against what it says are positions of the Daesh Takfiri militants inside Syria since September 2014 without any authorization from the Damascus government or a United Nations mandate.

The US and its allies have repeatedly been accused of targeting and killing civilians and drawn criticism over their failure to destroy Daesh, which they claim to be fighting.

Read More : US Coalition targets Syrian Town with Banned White Phosphorus


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