Syria News

F-35 fighter Vs. S-300 missiles : can Israel roam Syrian skies again?

Israel is reportedly boosting its air force capabilities to continue violating the Syrian airspace after delivering the S-300 missiles.


Israel’s only hope to do so lies in using the fifth generation of F-35 combat aircraft. the Israeli air force has 12 F-35s, with 3 others expected to be delivered before the end of the current year.

Military experts in the West tend to believe that the S-300 missile system is incapable of shooting down the F-35 multirole fighter since the latter is supposed be equipped with “Block 3F” system by 2021; thus making it completely invincible to the Russian air defense system.

However, by believing this, they [Western experts] are indirectly admitting the ability of S-300 missile system to hit the F-35 fighters prior to equipping it with the new system.

Such a matter heavily depends On the how ready the S-300 crew in Syria is in dealing with the  5th generation fighters.

According to the same experts, the crews of Syrian air defense need to be trained for at least 1 year in order to be able to deal with the 5th generation fighters. Yet, the Russian military command has declared the training will take only 3 months.

In any case, the real operators for the S-300 missiles systems – at the preliminary stages at least –  will be Russian experts, and this is enough reason to deter the Israeli from carrying out any airstrike.

Read MoreRussian source reveals how much Syria paid for S-300 missile system

For their parts, American military experts recommend destroying the newly- delivered S-300 missiles as soon as possible i.e. before deploying it on the ground and training the Syrians on how to use it.

At the same time, the presence of Russian experts in sites that might be struck by Israeli aircrafts doesn’t seem to worry the Americans in particular. A fact that cannot be clearly applied to the Israelis, who might most probably deter from launching new airstrikes in Syria while the Russian experts are in charge of operating the S-300 missile system.

Read More : Israel didn’t forgive Kremlin for delivering S-300 to Syria, inciting USA to retaliate

It is difficult to speculate what will happen next. It is not unlikely that S-300 missiles be destroyed by the American forces with help from the warships in east of the Mediterranean.

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