Syria News

Photos: US establishes military base in north Syria with size of Russian base of Hmeimim

The United States is working to establish a large military base in the city of al-Shadadi in the north-east of Syria, according to military and diplomatic Western sources.

The Russian newspaper “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” reported quoting military and diplomatic sources, that the USA is to establish a large military base in northeastern Syria.

The US military base being set up around the town of Al-Shaddadi in Al-Hasakah province will be stronger than the Russian military base in Hameimim and possibly the largest air base in Syria, the newspaper said.


Russian news agency Sputnik indicated that the new US base could be used as launchpad of the missile strikes on the Syrian forces locations.

In recent days, there has been information about Washington’s intention to impose an air embargo in northern Syria, which was denied by US sources, but pictures from those areas show the installation of US forces to several military radars, which strengthens the news about the establishment of the US base.

The city of Shaddadi is under the control of the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) after taking it from “Daash” in February 2016.

Read more: Read More : US-led coalition installs new air-defenses to establishing no-fly zone in northern Syria – Report

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