Syria NewsSyria War Maps

Map: Gov forces storm ISIS in Al-Yarmouk basin , enter former rebel-held areas in Al-Qunaitra

The Syrian troops gain momentum following a series of fruitful operations in the Syria’s southern provinces, breaking-through ISIS defensive lines in Al-Yarmouk basin.

Field source has informed Muraselon that the elite troops of the Tiger Forces have began new assault aiming to liberate the far southwestern corner that abuzzes with the hard-line terrorists of ISIS.

In Al-Qunaitra – few kilometers to the north of Al-Yarmouk area – the Syrian Army entered more villages; “Al-Rafid, Ain basha and Karm Basha” that have cleared from the rebel groups, after reaching a surrender deal with the government.


The Syrian air-forces also conducted dozens of airstrikes, pummeling the terror group of ISIS in “Tall Al-Jamoua, Tasil and Jillin” that stationed along the Al-Yarmouk area. 

Read more: : Israeli Military Evacuates 800 Syrian White Helmets Members From South Syria

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