Syria News

Map: Syrian Army captures 10 villages in Daraa , nears border

The Syrian Army continues its military operations against the terrorist groups that are opposed to the reconciliation in Daraa and its countryside liberating 10 new villages in Daraa’s southern countryside on the 30th of June.

A military source confirmed to Muraselon that the villages of Karak, Western and Eastern Ghariya, Khirbag al-Qaniya, Sahwa, Air Defense Base, Kahil, Al-Jiza, and Museifra after deadly clashes that killed and injured dozens of terrorists.

Military sources confirmed that the jihadist rebels were not able to recapture Sahwe after a large counteroffensive.


Sources confirmed that the militants of Busra al-Sham and Sammad and nearby areas announced their willingness to reconcile yesterday as the Syrian flag was raised in Busra al-Sham.

SANA announced that the villages of Um Walad, Jabib, Tayba, Saida, Um al-Mayathin, and Nassib have reconciled as militants turn over their weapons to the Syrian authorities.

The residents of those villages which reconciled mobilized and declared their support to the Syrian Army and President Assad

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