Syria News

Up to 1000 commercial shops return to work in Aleppo’s Old City

Efforts are underway to revitalize various aspects of economic and commercial life in Aleppo’s Old City and rehabilitate and repair buildings damaged by terrorism, amid the locals’ insistence to complete repairing their properties and shops ahead of reopening them.
Director of Aleppo’s Old City, Ahmad al-Ahmad indicated that 1,037 commercial shops have been reopened in the old city’s neighborhoods , pointing out that the committee for protecting the old city has taken several decisions to enable the locals rehabilitate their damaged properties.
Khaled Kafrawani, a trader in Jeb al-Qebeh market said that the market is witnessing a bustling commercial activity as the majority of the shop keepers have either opened their shops or are currently repairing them.
Ahmad Qamari, a trader who works in Bab al-Nuser market pointed out that the old city is the heart of Aleppo and many markets have already resumed work, calling on all the owners of commercial shops to follow suit and reopen them.
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