” we attacked 2 US warships and other Israeli linked Ship in Red Sea ” : Yemeni forces Statement

The military spokesman of Yemeni armed forces, Yahya Sarea announced military operations by against two US destroyers and two Israeli linked ships.


The Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a military operations against hostile warships in the Red Sea, of which two American warships were targeted with a number of drones.
The military operations achieved their goals successfully, military spokesman said .

While the naval forces, the missile force, and the air force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a joint operation targeting the ship (CYCLADES) in the Red Sea, and thanks to Allah the hit was accurate, the satement said .

The targeting of the ship came after it violated the decision of navigation ban of ships heading to the ports of occupied Palestine, by heading to the port of Umm al-Rashrash ( Eilat port ) on April 21st, using misleading and deception by claiming that it was heading to another port.

“However, it was under monitoring and follow-up by our Armed Forces, and warnings were sent to it not to enter the unallowed ports in occupied Palestine, an insisted to viloate the ban to became on the list of targeted ships prohibited from sailing in the area of ​​operations of the Yemeni armed forces” , the spokesman added .

Red more : Three Missiles targeted israeli linked Vessel near the coast of Yemen

And with a number of drones, the Yemeni Armed Forces’ air force, with the help of Allah Almighty, targeted the Israeli ship (MSC ORION) in the Indian Ocean.


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