Watch Russian special forces in action across northern Hama (Video + Pictures)

Both video and picture evidence has emerged of Syria-based Russian special forces in action against militant groups in the northern countryside of Hama province, providing important battlefield support for the Syrian Army.
Pictures released by the ANNA News Agency and a video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense shows Russian special forces at the front-line serving in what appears to be both the light fire support role and as forward air controllers for precision strikes.
In particular, the video (shown below) released by the Russian MoD shows a laser-guided bomb strike on a jihadist main battle tank that completely obliterates the vehicle.

About three weeks ago, the Russian Ministry of Defense officially denied that it had special forces operating in direct support of the Syrian Army’s Hama offensive in what appears to have been a statement aimed loosening Turkish suspicions.
With the advent of these publicly-released video and picture evidences, rumors that Russian special forces may have been involved in two rare pro-government infiltration operations behind militant lines during the last two weeks may now very well turn out to be true.

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