Syria News

MAP: Syrian Army neutralizes north Hama pocket

As of Friday morning, the Syrian Army has completely neutralized the militant-controlled northern Hama pocket – a pocket that, created on Wednesday, existed for about 30 hours.
The Syrian Army operation, which was more of a combing action than a combat action, saw government forces rapidly take control of the cities of Kafr Zita, Al-Latamenah and Murak in addition to numerous hilltops.
The operation to collapse the besieged bastion was without clashes; this compared to operations that took place to capture Kafr Naboudah, Qalaat al-Mudiq, Al-Hobait, Sukayk and Khan Sheykhun which saw very heavy fighting.
As it turned out, militant fighters based in the area either retreated before the siege was fully implemented on Wednesday or withdrew to the protection of a a Turkish military base located just south of Murak after the encirclement was set.
At the present time, the Turkish base with both its military and militant inhabitants has been completely surrounded by the Syrian Army. The fate of this foreign military post will likely been determined in the days or weeks to come amid talks between Ankara and Moscow.
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