Documentary of Syrian Army victory in south Idlib, north Hama

A 30-minute documentary showcasing the final Syrian Army actions that led to the liberation of Khan Sheykhun in south Idlib and the collapse of the north Hama salient has been released by the ANNA News Agency.
With regards to Khan Sheykhun, the footage provided by ANNA shows the important battle in Idlib’s southern countryside that resulted in the Syrian Army capturing the Nimr Base (as well as the hill of Tal Nimr) north of the city.
This operated sealed the fate of militant groups in the city and further south in Hama province, forcing them to withdraw north or risk being encircled.
Regarding the northern Hama strongholds of Kafr Zita, Al-Latamenah and Murak, the video documents how the Syrian Army moved into these cities without any fighting taking place, the militants having completely retreated during the preceding days.
Finally, the ANNA documentary shows the extent of the militant tunnel system that ran throughout northern Hama province, namely just outside the stronghold city of Al-Latamenah.
The underground complexes are revealed to be huge, possessing dozens of sleeping rooms, ammunition storage and vehicle depot zones, as well as kitchens; it is obvious these places were made to house entire units of fighters.

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