Syria News

Breaking: Hama salient begins to crumble as Syrian Army attacks

The Syrian Army has kicked-off an offensive operation to reduce the besieged north Hama salient. The attack has already resulted in the capture of a large town as well as its nearby hilltop.
Moments ago, field sources speaking to Muraselon News reported that the Syrian Army had launched an assault on the town of Sayyad and the nearby hilltop of Tal Sayyad, seizing both locations in rapid succession.
Militant positions rapidly gave way to the Syrian Army onslaught and so now has begun the operation to collapse the northern Hama pocket. It remains to be seen just how much militant groups attempt to resist the offensive.
Unofficial estimates put insurgent strength inside the pocket at only a few hundred true front-line fighters belonging to Free Syrian Army (FSA) outfits such as Jaysh al-Izza (which has already been destroyed as a standing force for the most part).
By seizing Tal Sayyad, the Syrian Army has effectively established full fire-control over the small city of Kafr Zita, one of the three major militant strongholds in the northern Hama pocket.
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