Syria News

Terrorists attack the Syrian army in northern Hama

Early this morning, jihadists belong to al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Tawhid terror group attacked the Syrian Army using suicide bombers in the northern countryside of Hama province.
Sources said that the terrorists equipped with explosives belts attacked the army military post on the northern axis of Taibet al-imam town in the northern countryside of Hama where heavy clashes erupted between them and the army soldiers stationed in the area before the attackers detonated their explosives belts killing themselves.
Following the attack, the Syrian Army issued a statement saying. “At about 03:00 am, an armed terrorist group wearing explosive belts and dressed in folkloric farmers’ garments attacked one of the military posts in the direction of Taibet al-Imam in Hama northern countryside. The attackers were immediately discovered by the guards of the post and fire was opened on them and their attack was foiled despite of that some suicide bombers detonated themselves in parallel with firing a barrage of mortar shells and opening fire from medium and heavy machine guns.”
A field source from Hama told Muraselon News that at least 3 army soldiers were killed in the attack and couple others injured, while the entire terrorist attackers group was eliminated and a tank that was backing them was destroyed.

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