S-300 is defensive weapon makes Syria and the region more secured: Syrian FM

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said that the Russian S-300 air defense system, received by from Russia, is a defensive system that makes Syria and the region safer.

“The S-300 is a defensive weapon, not an attack,” Minister al-Moallem told a joint news conference with his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari in Damascus on Monday. “We are safer with this weapon,” he said.

Russia has delivered the S300 defense system to Syria in response to the IL-20 crash, due to Israeli reckless actions in the region.

Worth-mentioning that Syria delivered the most sophisticated version of the S300, as video has been emerged showing the PMU-2 system being unloaded in Khumaimim airbase.

The S300 PMU-2 system was manufactured in 1995-1997 and developed by S300 Favorit designers.

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