Idlib largest extremist group transports chemical substances into Jisr al-Shughur

On Saturday (October 20th), militants of the Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) transported a shipment of chlorine and sarin gas from the town of Ma’ra Misrin to the Jisr al-Shughour area in rural Idlib.

Informed sources said that “The HTS militants – on Saturday afternoon – have transferred chemicals from the town of Ma’ra Misrin in the northern countryside of Idlib to the area of Jisr al-Shughour.

Opposition sources in Idlib province reported that “HTS command launched out a red alert deploying dozens of its militants in southern Ma’ra Misrin while moving chemicals out of the village.

On 14 October, the HTS issued a statement setting out its position in Sochi deal on the establishment of a demilitarized zone in Idleb, declaring its refusal to withdraw or surrender its weapons and that its only option was to fight the Syrian army.

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