Overview map for recent Army advance in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib provinces

The Syrian forces continue advancing in Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) heartlands amid intense skirmishes in the southeastern countryside of Idlib, Eastern Hama and Southern Aleppo provinces.
The military reported on Tuesday, that the Syrian troops managed to take back several villages from the extremist group of HTS and its allied factions.
In eastern Hama axis, the army liberated the villages of Umm Mial and Umm Sahrij in southern Aleppo.
Elsewhere in Khannaser plateau, the Syrian units succeeded in restoring 5 hamlets (Hawwarien, Ramlah, Muza’lah, Nawwarah and rasm Al-shikh)
As all eyes on Abu Adduhur air-base, the elite Tiger Forces were capable today to impose fire-control over the airbase with restoring 11 villages south of Abu Adduhur.

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