Syria News

Syrian Army , Allies liberate Al-Bukamal , Deir Ezzor

Army units, in cooperation with the supporting and allied forces, on Thursday fully liberated al-Boukamal city in Deir Ezzor, the last stronghold of ISIS terrorist organization in the Eastern area, the General Command  of the Army and Armed Forces said.

The progress towards Al-Bukamal  city has been achieved after the army units and its allies met with Iraqi forces at the joint border after clearing the area of the collapsed remnants of ISIS terrorists.

” Fighting lasted from night until morning inside the city , while the other forces have advanced out side of the city to surround it ” . Military source confirmed to Muraselon website


” The liberation of Al-Bukamal has completely done after the advancing in west areas around the city and along of it ” the source added

” This advancing forced the last ISIS fighter to withdraw from the northwestern parts of the City ” the source added

Yesterday , Many media have declared complete control of the Al-Bukamal .while those reports were not accurate .

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