Syria News

Military strikes destroy group of jihadist tanks in south Idlib

A series of strikes either by the Syrian or Russian air forces (yet to be confirmed which country) have neutralized a group of jihadist tanks in the southern countryside of Idlib province.
Field sources near the front report that on Sunday, either the Syrian or Russian air forces acting in the interdiction role identified and engaged a grouping of three jihadist-commandeered main battle tanks that were assembling north of Kuwayn al-Kabir town in southern Idlib province.
Despite the assumption that Russian warplanes are the only aircraft that carry precision air munitions, the reality is that some of the Syrian Air Force’s more modern warplanes (namely, the Su-24M2) are capable of conducting guided munition strikes.
There also exists the possibility that laser-guided artillery munitions (again, both Syrian and Russian military forces having access to these munitions) were used to knock-out the insurgent tank grouping.
It seems that the jihadist tanks were mobilizing towards predetermined fire support positions in preparation for a possible Syrian Army ground operation in the area; rumors (unconfirmed) are currently circulating that a new government offensive may soon take place, this coming after the liberation of Khan Sheykhun and a number of cities in northern Hama province.

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