Syria News

Syrian Air Force strikes south Idlib amid rumors of coming operation

The Syrian Air Force has conducted strikes against militant positions and movements across the southern countryside of Idlib province; this takes place amid rumors of a new upcoming operation by the Syrian Army.
According to sources, the Syrian Air Force unleashed a series tactical and interdiction strikes in and around the towns of Jarjanaz, At-Tah, Ash-Sheykh Mustafa, Murat Hurma and Tal Manis.
The attack which has taken place in recent hours is a follow-up to strikes that were conducted yesterday across virtually all the same areas which are located north of Khan Sheykhun, yet south of Murat al-Numan, on both sides of the M5 Highway.
These high-tempo strikes take place amid ongoing rumors that the Syrian Army intends to commit to a new offensive operation on the ground in southern Idlib province following the liberation of Khan Sheykhun and destruction of the militant-controlled Hama pocket.
An increase of these already regular strikes conducted by Syrian airpower may serve as an indicator that such a new ground offensive is on the way.

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