Syria News

Israeli missile attack on Syria – Latest update

Just before midnight on Friday, Syria’s air defense forces responded to an Israeli missile attack against locations south of Damascus city. Detonations linked to the engagement were heard across the region.
The scale of the attack seems to have been involved around a dozen or less Israeli missiles that targeted the southern Damascus region, seemingly near the international airport which is often attacked by Israel.
Earlier reports that Mezzah Airbase (another strategic location often targeted by Israel) had come under attack seem to not be true, however it is believed that Syrian air defense units based at Mezzah were part of the responding forces (this can often lead to confusion that the site was struck).

It was reported that Syrian air defenses responded to the Israeli air attack with at least eight missiles.

Syria’s SANA news network has stated in its latest official communiques that the attack was thwarted with “most” missiles being intercepted before reaching their targets.
In a very rare move, official Israeli sources have admitted to Israel conducting the attack. These same sources confirm the missile barrage targeted a site south of Damascus.

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