Syria News

Picture: Islamist commander killed by Syrian strikes on Turkish convoy

A series of Syrian Air Force strikes carried out on a Turkish military convoy in southern Idlib that was accompanied by Turkish-backed Islamist fighters and vehicles has resulted in the death of an insurgent commander.
The commander in question is Mohammad Hussein Al-Qasef (pictured below), a battlefield leader within the ranks of the Faylaq al-Sham militant group.

The Turkish convoy – along with its Islamist proxy attache – was in the area of Murat al-Numan at the time of coming under attack; it was bound further south for the city of Khan Sheykhun where government forces are currently involved in a major offensive against militant groups.
Turkey aims to deter the current Syrian Army offensive to seize Khan Sheykhun by placing its forces in and around the city. It is yet to be seen if this strategy can be properly implemented by Ankara – the coming hours and days will most likely tell.

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