Syria News

VIDEO: Rocket fire, airstrikes propel Syrian Army advance near Khan Sheykhun

Ruptly has released video footage of Syrian Army forces in action against militant factions across the southern countryside of Idlib province near the strategic city of Khan Sheykhun.
The footage (shown below) shows Syrian Army armor and troops advancing in the wake of rocket barrages and airstrikes in the countryside around Khan Sheykhun, the militant stronghold itself reportedly being a major objective for government forces amid the current campaign.
The Syrian Army forces shown in the footage likely belong to the battle-hardened 5th Corps formation, which is known to be heavily involved in the government operation against jihadists across northern Hama and southern Idlib.

At the present time, the Syrian Army is advancing on Khan Sheykhun from two directions; the Al-Hobait axis to the west of the city and the Sukayk axis to its east.
Many Syrian conflict observers believe that government forces will attempt to meet the two fronts at Khan Sheykhun in order to trap insurgent groups operating across northern Hama in a large pocket – given they do not retreat.

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