Syria News

Syrian Army holds strong amid vicious jihadist counter-attack in Idlib

The Syrian Army has repelled a a rather vicious counter-attack by jihadist forces in the southern countryside of Idlib province that took place during the afternoon hours of Thursday.
Field sources speaking to Muraselon News explained that hard-line jihadist groups fighting under the banner of the Rouse the Believers operations room launched a counter-attack at the town of Sukayk, spearheading their assault with a car bomb (VBIED).
The Syrian Army – using a combination of medium and heavy weapons – managed to destroy the VBIED before it could reach government positions and proceeded to kill tens of militant fighters that attempted to storm the town.
Whilst it seems the main insurgent assault wave has been repelled for now, medium level stand-off clashes continue at the present time. Heavy anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) use was observed during the attack.
The Syrian Army for its part has laid down heavy artillery fire using field guns and rockets on jihadist positions atop the strategically important height of Tal Ter’i and in and around the town At-Tamanna.

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