Syria News

Syrian special forces reportedly seize key hilltop in advance on jihadist stronghold in north Lattakia

Reports have emerged in the last couple of hours that the Syrian Army, led by a special forces unit, has seized a key high-point in the mountainous countryside of northern Lattakia province.
At the present time Muraselon News is unable to independently verify the claim, however some sources report that the 4th Division’s 42nd Brigade special forces unit (Ghiath Forces) have taken Hill 121 and some surrounding points situated at the far northern end of Zuwayqat Mountains.
If true, this is a key advance en-route to the militant stronghold of Kabani, a town heavily defended by militants belonging to hard-line jihadist groups such as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Turkistan Islamic Party.
Syrian Army shelling of insurgent positions in an around Kabani using large-caliber field guns, high-explosive IRAM rockets and airstrikes has been constant at a high-tempo for over three months now.
It is also worth mentioning that there exists unconfirmed reports that Russian special forces are now present on this historically dead-locked front of northwest Syria.

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