Syria News

Breaking: US will prevent "unacceptable" invasion of north Syria by Turkey : Esper

The United States Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has stated before reporters that the US will prevent any Turkey-led military operation against Kurdish YPG militias in northern Syria.
The defense secretary has said that any “unilateral action by them [Turkey and insurgent forces loyal to it] would be unacceptable”.
The statement has been made amid increased rhetoric from Ankara that Turkey will soon launch a major operation east of the Euphrates River against the US-backed YPG.
US threats to confront Turkey have yet to be put to the test given that Turkey’s operation against YPG militants in Afrin in early 2018 saw American forces simply do nothing. US mainstream media pretended as if the event did not even happen despite the unceasing cries of Kurdish Twitter activists claiming betrayal.
Historically, Turkish warplanes and artillery forces have bombarded YPG positions across northern Syria with little more consequence for Turkey than a formal complaint by the US-led Coalition in Syria.

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