Syria News

Jihadist losses estimated at 100 after failed offensive in northwestern Hama (photos)

The jihadist offensive in northwestern Hama has proven incredibly costly for Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and their allies, as their losses continue to grow in numbers.
Military source told Muraselon News , That a several number of HTS have been killed during the failed attack in northern Hama countryside .
Aleksandr Kharchenko of Anna News, who is at the front-lines with the Tiger Forces, the jihadist personnel losses are estimated to be about 100; this includes two emirs from Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham.
“During a quick inspection, our film crew managed to find three destroyed tanks, from which the weapons were removed (they were used as heavy infantry fighting vehicles). Extremists also lost about 7 pickups. It’s hard to talk about losses in the militants’ personnel, they can be estimated at about 100 killed terrorists,” Kharchenko reported.
Below are a number of photos showing a number of jihadist vehicles that were destroyed during the day and a half long battle in northwestern Hama.

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