Syria News

Graphic +18: watch jihadist rebels bodies scattered across the battle field in northern Hama

The jihadist rebels launched a new attack in the northwestern countryside of the Hama Governorate on Friday, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions at the town of Kernaz.
Led by Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, the jihadist attacked the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at both Al-Hamamiyat and Kernaz.
According to a field source, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies from the National Defense Forces (NDF) were able to forestall the intended jihadist advance, while also killing several members of HTS and Jaysh Al-Izza
Syrian Social media shared a Video shows jihadist rebels bodies after the failed attack

This latest offensive by the jihadist rebels came just 15 hours after their first operation to capture to advance towards the Christian town of Mhardeh in northwestern Hama.
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