Syria News

American TV says White Helmets admit staging fake chemical attack in Syria (Video)

A new study presented to the United Nations (UN) revealed the rebel-linked White Helmets group admitted to staging fake chemical attack in Syria.
A video was posted by One America News American TV news channel talking and explaining how the White Helmets admitted to staging the fake chemical attacks in Syria including 2018 Douma attack.

At the same time, a new leaked report by OPCW engineers contradicted the chemical watchdog’s official report on the April 2018 Douma incident in Syria, and raises questions about political pressure by US, UK and France on the UN body.
In April 2018, as Syrian government forces recaptured the city of Douma from Islamist militants, the “White Helmets” claimed a chemical attack with chlorine and sarin gas killed over 40 people. Not waiting for UN investigators to reach the site, the US, UK and France launched airstrikes against government positions and declared President Bashar Assad was to blame.
In its final report on the incident, published in March 2019, the fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found no sarin, but said the cylinders with “molecular chlorine” were dropped from the air. The report cited unnamed, unspecified external “experts.” But there was another report, by OPCW engineers, that challenged these conclusions – and was never included in the final document.
This report was leaked last week to the Working Group on Syria, and the most important finding of the leaked engineering report is that the gas cylinders used in the attack were more likely to have been placed by hand, implicating the militants, and not the Syrian government – and unraveling the official narrative.
Source: RT + OANN

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