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Syrian Army News | Syrian Army foils militants counter-attack in northern Hama — Map Update

Syrian Arab Army has foiled militants counter-attack toward the recently captured areas by the army in northern Hama countryside.

A field source told Muraselon News that Syrian elite Tiger Forces managed to foil big counter-attack launched by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other militant groups toward strategic Tell Othman hill which was captured by the Syrian troops early on today.
The source added that tens of militants were killed and injured in the failed counter-attack, also, couple of their vehicles were destroyed.
The importance of Tell Othman comes from its strategic value as it overlooks large areas around it including militants stronghold of Kafr Nabudah in north-western Hama countryside.
Earlier today, the Syrian army led by Tiger Forces managed to capture the strategic hill after heavy clashes with militants in the area that lasted for several hours, also the army units were supported by the Russian and Syrian air forces which destroyed jihadists fortified positions and trenches propelling the Syrian troops to advance and capture the hill.
The ongoing military operation by Syrian army and allies aim to capture the demilitarized zone which expands between Latakia, Hama and Idlib provinces based on Sochi agreement  which signed between Russia and Turkey in September 2018.
Meantime, in conjunction with the army offensive in northern Hama, Syrian army units stationed in northern Latakia began heavy preliminary shelling on jihadists positions in Kabani and al-Sarmaniyah of Latakia mountains in preparations to start a ground offensive in the area following militants constant attempts to attack the Russian airbase in Latakia using armed drones and grad missiles.

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