Syria News

Turkish military base comes under fire in Hama, casualties reported (Video)

The Turkish army military base in northern Hama countryside came under artillery fire on Saturday which resulted in wounding of couple soldiers, sources reported.
According to opposition sources, the Turkish observation post near Sheir Magher town in north-western Hama countryside was hit by couple artillery shells fired by the Syrian army units stationed in the area.
Sources added that the shelling resulted in wounding of three Turkish soldiers who got evacuated by Turkish choppers landed in the area as seen in footage below.
The situation in northwestern Syria has deteriorated greatly over the past week, with all warring parties exchanging heavy fire along the Idlib-Hama axis.
The Syrian Arab Army is expected to launch a powerful offensive in the coming days to capture the demilitarized zone that was supposed to be free of any opposition or government forces.
The jihadist rebels and their allies have refused to leave the demilitarized zone, which has prompted the Syrian military to step up their efforts to clear the area.

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