Middle East

Final Countdown : Iraqi Army Advances on Daesh’s Last Strongholds.

The Iraqi military is poised and ready to deal a final blow to Daesh terrorists in the country.

The Iraqi army has announced the beginning of a major offensive against Daesh (ISIS) in Iraq’s Anbar province, where the terrorist group retains control of some areas, according to Iran’s Press TV news agency.

The Iraqi forces are already advancing on the towns of Rawa and Qa’im on the Euphrates River near Syria’s border, in what is touted as a final operation against Daesh in the country.


The offensive was preceded by Iraqi air force planes dropping leaflets on the towns, in which the country’s military said in particular that “your security forces are now coming to liberate you.”

Last month, Saad Hadithi, spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi, said that that the Iraqi army had regained control over 90 percent of the land that had been occupied by Daesh and that “the final victory is at hand.”

Abadi, meanwhile, pledged earlier in October that the government forces will totally destroy Daesh in Iraq before the end of this year.

In 2014, Daesh seized large territories in northern and western parts of Iraq, which provoked a new wave of violence and instability in the country.


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