World News

Breaking: Military Coup is underway in Venezuela (Video)

A military coup is underway in Venezuela following the opposition’s self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido declared a military uprising.
The country’s vice president, Jorge Rodriguez confirmed the coup attempt saying that a group of Venezuelan army have seized part of a Caracas neighborhood in support of a right-wing coup.

The Vice President said on Twitter that “a small group of traitor troops’ have positioned themselves in the Altamira neighborhood “to promote a coup” against the country’s government. He said the government was acting to counter them and called on the people to stay vigilant in the face of this new development.
Earlier Juan Guaido, the US-backed opposition leader who declared himself the legitimate head of Venezuela, called for a military uprising against President Nicolas Maduro. Speaking in a three-minute video, which showed him against the backdrop of several people in military uniforms, Guaido said the time has come for decisive action.

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