Syria NewsWorld News

SDF suffers heavy casualties in fresh ISIS attacks in eastern Syria

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have suffered heavy casualties in multiple attacks by the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group across Eastern Syria in the past 48h.
According to sources, more than 20 SDF fighters were killed and injured in multiple attacks carried out by ISIS fighters in Aleppo and Deir al-Zour provinces, where 3 SDF fighters were killed when a roadside bomb planted by ISIS exploded targeting SDF vehicle in Manbij city in the north-eastern countryside of Aleppo.
At the same time, a car bomb exploded in Diban town in eastern Deir al-Zour countryside killing more than 6 SDF fighters and injuring at least 8 others, while another car bomb attack reported in Hajin town that targeted a truck carrying several SDF fighters killing and injuring dozen of them.
Meanwhile, a field source from eastern Deir al-Zour told Muraselon News that heavy clashes broke out this evening between the Syrian army units and a group of ISIS fighters near Sayyal town in Bo Kamal countryside following an attempt by ISIS to escape through the Euphrates River toward the Syrian desert adding that the terror group was spotted by the army units stationed in the area and clashed with it.
Despite the U.S and Syrian Democratic Forces announcement of defeating the Islamic State in Syria, the terrorist group still well and alive and able to carry out attacks across eastern Syria.

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