Syria News

Militants destroy Key Bridge in Hama to Prevent Syrian Army's Advance

Militants belong to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) terrorist group destroyed an important bridge in northern Hama countryside to block the Syrian army’s path into the region amid increased tensions in the demilitarized zone with reports of the army preparing an offensive in the area.

Local sources said on Wednesday that Tahrir al-Sham terrorists detonated al-Tuwaineh bridge in al-Ghab Plain which connect HTS-held areas to the army-controlled areas.

Sources added that the terrorists are preparing for the Syrian army’s possible operations in Idlib province, noting that they wanted to prevent the army troops’ advance in the region.


Now the Syrian army’s military operations in the demilitarized zone in northern Syria has grown more likely than ever given the militant groups’ refusal to leave the region and their continued attacks against safe zones and army’s military points.

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