Syria News

Video: Kurdish forces devastate Turkish backed FSA rebels in Afrin

Fighters of Afrin Liberation Forces(HRE) continue to carry out operations against Turkish-backed jihadist groups in Afrin region.
HRE today issued a written statement, revealing the results of operations carried out by their forces against the Turkish backed FSA rebels across northern Aleppo countryside.
The statement read as below:
“Our units carried out an operation against a group of Firqat al-Hamza jihadists led by Abdullah Halawa in village of Kimar of Sharawa town in occupied Afrin on April 5. The vehicle carrying the group was destroyed, 3 terrorists were killed and a terrorist was injured. Another group of jihadists who was trying to evacuate their casualties aftermath of the operation were also targeted. The second attack killed a terrorist and injured another one.

A base belonging to Firqat al-Hamza jihadists was hit with ATGM by our fighters in town of Sharawa of occupied Afrin on April 5. 2 terrorists were killed, 3 terrorists were injured as result of the operation
A jihadist belonging to a Turkish-backed terrorist group was assassinated with sniper rifles in Mar’a on April 5.
In three separate operations, our units managed to kill 5 terrorists, injure 6 others and destroy a vehicle.”
Afrin Liberation Forces

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