World News

Chinese Military troops arrive in Venezuela with "humanitarian aid"

Early on last week, a Chinese plane carrying medical supplies and Chinese military troops landed in Venezuela’s capital of Caracas as a direct support for President Nicolas Maduro amid a power struggle between him and opposition leader Juan Guaido.
According to sources, tens of Chinese military troops have arrived in Caracas with 65 tons of medicine supplies as a result of a strategic cooperation between China and Venezuela.
The move comes by China as a direct support for the Venezuelan government against the U.S attempts to dethrone Maduro and his government especially after Russia has showed massive support for Maduro by sending military experts in two cargo planes last week.
On his turn, President Maduro welcomed the arrival of the Chinese humanitarian aid on Twitter, saying “Venezuela is breaking the imperialist siege and advancing with a victory.”
We could see more deployment of Chinese troops in Venezuela in the upcoming few weeks as a counter-measurement against any possible U.S intervention despite the U.S announcement of not planning any attack against Venezuela especially after S-300 air defense systems have been activated around Caracas the capital.

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