Syria News

First footage of SDF forces in captured Daesh camp in Baghouz

Footage filmed near Baghouz on Tuesday, shows Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) patrolling in the last self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) camp, which was captured by the SDF following intense fighting.
Footage shows Syrian Democratic Forces fighters on patrol surrounded by wreckage and rubble scattered in the enclave.
The SDF have battled ISIS fighters holed up in Baghouz for weeks. On March 9, the Syrian Democratic Forces launched fresh attacks on IS positions, resulting in the surrender of around 4,000 Daesh militants and their family members.
SDF spokesperson Kino Gabriel said on Sunday that “the number of families of the terrorists who surrendered to our forces is 29,600 people.” Without specifying the time and place, Gabriel added that “520” were captured during special Syrian Democratic Forces operations.
More than 157 foreign ISIS fighters have been captured today by Syrian Democratic Forces forces following the terror group defeat.

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