World News

Tens of lives saved due to terrorist's mistake at New Zealand mosque – reports

The white nationalist who killed 50 Muslim worshipers at two mosques in New Zealand failed to locate the entrance to the Linwood Mosque, which allowed most worshipers to escape, a survivor said.
Brenton Tarrant could not find the main door of the mosque, where around 100 people had started to attend the Friday prayers, Mohammed Akheel Uddin, who is one of the survivors of the terrorist attack said in an interview.
Uddin said he told worshipers to get on the floor after realizing something was going on.
“I called the people to get inside the ladies’ section. It’s a safe place, you can lock it from inside. Then I saw (Tarrant). He was 6 to 8 feet in front of me,” he said.
Seven people were killed by Tarrant in Linwood Mosque but the number would have been much higher if the terrorist had been able to use the right entrance.
A total of 50 people were killed in Linwood and Al Noor Mosques in the terrorist attack, which shook New Zealand on Friday.

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