Syria News

Syrian Army steps up operations in Hama Countryside

The Syrian Arab Army continued military campaign against Islamic State on Sunday, and stepped up shelling of ISIS-held parts in central Syria.


According to a military report from northern Hama countryside, the Syrian Arab Army conducted artillery strikes against the terrorist groups’ positions in the surroundings of Khan Shaikhoun city in Idleb southern countryside, destroying a cache , which contains rockets and artillery shells used by the terrorists to attack the civilians in the safe towns and villages in the northern and western Hama countryside.

Jaysh Al-Izza responded to these attacks by firing a number of artillery shells towards the Syrian Arab Army’s positions north of Mhardeh.

READ MORE: SDF Members Execute 4 ISIS Terrorists In Deir Ezzor – VIDEO

In the northern countryside, another attack was reported by Syrian Army artillery on positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Jisat village in retaliation to their attacks on safe areas and military posts in the area, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorist group.

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