Syria News

Popular Uprising Against SDF And US Coalition In Raqqa- VIDEO

Residents of Deir Ezzor and Raqqa governorates in Syria have been coordinating protests, since last January, against the rule of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and US-led Coalition, demanding the Syrian state to regain control of the region.

Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for the Opposing Sides in Syria Sergei Solomatin, said in a statement on Friday that the residents of the two provinces protested over harsh living conditions resulted from the US-backed SDF to block humanitarian aid provided by the Syrian government.


Solomatin pointed out that one of the most prominent examples of violating rights and freedoms of others in the Jazira region is to block humanitarian aid provided by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, which has been trying to send trucks loaded with food and medicine to community in the territory under SDF control.

Solomatin added that because the Red Crescent convoy was not allowed to arrive in Hajin town under SDF control, demonstrations and mass protests of local residents and their relatives of the war-torn region erupted on Friday.

Similar protests have taken place place in the towns of Abu Hammad, Hawija Shnan, Sahlabiya and Safsafa, where hundreds of local residents took to the streets to protest in an attempt to attract the attention of the international community.

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